Sharing the extraordinary things God has done in our lives.

Radically saved by Jesus

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Story by Koryssa McCarty.

Less than three years ago I was consumed in the New Age movement. Not only that, I was also participating in rituals and spell work. I was deeply consumed in crystals and crystal healing. Back in 2013 I had started taking classes to become a certified crystal therapist. Involved with that I practiced and learned a lot about Reiki, a Japanese energy healing technique, and other spiritual practices. Less than three years ago I was offering tarot readings and doing psychic readings for people. I was learning about other practices and forms of witchcraft. I was worshiping the moon and the stars and praying to “the universe”. I was deeply participating in “manifesting my reality”. I was very lost in the spiritual realm without the TRUTH, which is Jesus Christ.

I was very young when I became attracted to darkness, at a very young age I was enticed by experiencing spiritual things. I had seen demons and talked to “ghosts”. I was always obsessed with all things “haunted” or scary. I was very young when I became intrigued with communicating with spirits we couldn’t see with our natural eyes. I always knew there was a higher power, I always knew there was a “source energy”, I always knew there was a creator above all else. But I was completely blinded to the Truth. Which is Jesus Christ.

When I was younger, I got involved with a lot of drugs, I was practicing astral traveling, obsessed with dreams and lucid dreaming. I was obsessed with “aliens”, I was battling with depression and always had dark thoughts of taking my own life. I hurt myself for years, I was so depressed and isolated. When I got into Buddhism and crystal healing and the more “spiritual” side of things, I felt like I figured out my purpose. I thought that I was headed the right way for once. But I was wrong, and I was far from the truth. Which is Jesus Christ.

 This photo is from 2020 – you can see the emptiness inside my stare. I want to express something though. I thought I was happy and thought I knew my purpose in life. I didn’t still struggle with depression during this time. I say that to share with you, even if you THINK you’re happy or think you know your purpose… without Jesus, it’s all a false light. It’s not the truth. and it’s not the way to eternal glory.

In September of 2021, I was living in North Carolina. I was drinking every day, I was in a same sex marriage that was very toxic, I had a small business founded on witchcraft and I was deeply obsessed with “conspiracy theories” (mind you, they are mostly NOT theories). One morning I woke up with this immense fear. My spiritual eyes had opened, and I could see the demons inside of people in a way I never had before. I had this inner knowing that the world was in danger and that there was only one way out – JESUS. I had literally no idea who Jesus was, and I had NEVER read the bible nor gone to church. But to my surprise, there was a Holy Bible, sitting on my bookshelf right next to all my spell books, crystals, pendulums, cauldrons and all my other occult items. I’m not sure how it got there or where it came from. But I opened it up and started reading it. The first book I read was 1 John. And every single thing about it made sense!!! The bible was literally speaking to me. And that’s when I knew, Jesus Christ was the ONLY way, the truth and the life.

I have never looked back since that moment. Fast forward to less than 3 years later. I’m living in West Virginia with my husband, a true man of God that is on fire for the Lord. I am completely made new in the Lord. I have a deep understanding of spiritual warfare and a deep burning in my soul to lead people to Jesus and to lead people deeper with Jesus.

If you are reading this, and you don’t know Jesus, but you know there’s something more out there. You know there’s a higher power. You know there’s an emptiness inside you that can’t be filled no matter what you do. No matter what demons you talk to or “spirit guides”, no matter what you learn or study, I promise you that emptiness will be filled once you get to know Jesus Christ. Do not let religion ruin your opportunity to get to know your Creator! Walking with Jesus is supernatural, it is spiritual, it is so beautiful. It is NOT judgmental, hateful religious people condemning you to hell. Jesus is our savior. God is our creator.

When you walk with the Lord, He will fill you with His Holy Spirit. He will heal your heart; He will show you your own heart. He will teach you mysteries that you’ve always wanted to know. He will give you wisdom that is beyond anything man can teach you. He will help you in the areas that you don’t know how to change or that you didn’t even know you needed healing from. He is our friend, our healer, our counselor, our savior. He is the only way to ETERNAL glory. This life is only temporary, but our souls are eternal. God is the guardian of our souls.

Please hear me, Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to eternal glory, and you do NOT have to be “perfect” or “sinless” to get to know him!! He meets us where we are!

If you need prayer or have any questions, or If you’d like to

follow Koryssa McCarty on Facebook. Click here.

Special thank you to Karen Miller DeAngelo  

2 responses to “Radically saved by Jesus”

  1. Kristine Barnes Avatar
    Kristine Barnes

    WOW, that was an eye-opener!! Excellent! Thanks to Koryssa McCarty and those who shared this with us.

    1. Randy Grathen Avatar

      It’s scary to me that the whole New Age thing is much like her testimony. What really troubles me is the bible warned us about this stuff thousands of years before it happened. But, people are having their ears tickled and think they’ve just now stumbled on the the “truth”. They’ve been awakened. No, they’ve been duped just as God warned us. Show me anywhere were the New Age movement ever predicted anything. It’s all about me, me, me. Rather than about the Creator. I’m going with the Guy who warned us in advance. I could go on, and on. But you already know the truth. I’m preaching to the choir.

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