Sharing the extraordinary things God has done in our lives.

Author: Randy Grathen

  • RedBull Gives You Wings!

    RedBull Gives You Wings!

    Click on the green Listen bar above if you want the story read to you. Story by Randy Grathen. I should have had one before I went to work that day. The doctor looked at my MRI and said I should be dead. He didn’t say why. Others in the hospital kept telling me the same thing,… Read more

  • How Far is Too Far?

    How Far is Too Far?

    Meeting Jesus Face to Face Story by Randy Grathen (Author’s note) To put this story in context, you need to know it was 1965, in the one parish I attended as a kid in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Everything I wrote in the story is my personal experience, not an indictment of the church in general.… Read more

  • I am so EXCITED!!!

    I am so EXCITED!!!

    I recently had a visually impaired reader ask if there was any way to have the stories read aloud. My genius wife Laurie took about 2 minutes to find the answer. And here it is. When you open a story, you will see a green bar at the top of the page just below the… Read more

  • How do You Plead?

    How do You Plead?

    Story by Randy Grathen In the small town of Camdenton Missouri where we lived, there is an intersection known as “The Square.” The square is the junction of two county highways that run through the center of our town. Morning rush hour at The Square during the school year would rival any large city. Most… Read more

  • RICHARD GRATHEN – Born: April 30, 1921

    RICHARD GRATHEN – Born: April 30, 1921

    Got his Wings: June 30, 1996 Story by: Randy Grathen “Why do you seek the Living One among the dead? He is not here, but he is risen.” (Luke 24: 5 & 6) There were many miracles in my father’s life. Seven of them were his children Kristine, Randy, Lynn, Terri, Scott, Rick, and Mark.… Read more

  • I Was Just Thinking…

    I Was Just Thinking…

    Story by: Scotty Gray I was just thinking… about a video I recently saw online.  It was two men – one most likely in his 60s, the other probably in his late 20s, debating God before a small crowd in an outdoor amphitheater. The younger of the 2 men was claiming that God was mean… Read more

  • Type “AMEN” in the next 10 seconds…

    Type “AMEN” in the next 10 seconds…

    Story by Randy Grathen It perplexes me how people react to Christian themed memes posted in places like Facebook. Some memes go straight to the heart, either to convict us or to console us. Some are thought provoking or heartwarming. Many are reminders of the special relationship we have with God. Others are reminders of… Read more

  • Why We Believe? – The Tomb is Empty.

    Why We Believe? – The Tomb is Empty.

    Story by Randy Grathen Murderer, blasphemer, liar, thief. Adulterer, pedophile, envious, glutton, greedy, lustful, prideful, lazy, and angry. All of these are sins according to God. But will any one of them condemn you to hell? No. We are condemned to hell from birth. The list is just some of the reasons why. But more… Read more

  • Easter – The Greatest Story Ever Told.

    Easter – The Greatest Story Ever Told.

    Story by Kristine Barnes Easter is the greatest story ever told that’s TRUE! It is God’s greatest gift to humanity, of whom you are a part. Easter is not about colored eggs and squishy Peeps and fuzzy bunnies and hollow chocolate! At Easter we celebrate the ONE. Everyone enters the world the same way; birth.… Read more

  • Roadside Assistance

    Roadside Assistance

    Story by Randy Grathen Laurie and I had been on vacation in Florida and were headed back to Wisconsin with one final stop on our itinerary, to see my sister and her husband in Cary, North Carolina. This was in the mid 70’s. No GPS – we had road maps. No cell phones – you… Read more