Sharing the extraordinary things God has done in our lives.

Author: Randy Grathen

  • A Changed Life

    A Changed Life

    Story by: Scotty Gray It was a “typical” Sunday in the early 90s on which a young lady approached me after service – I was in my early 30s, she in her late 20s. She tapped me on the shoulder and, with a look of appreciation, said, “I know you – you changed my life!”… Read more

  • The Great Physician

    The Great Physician

    Story by: Renee Johnson (This is the third story Renee has written for Our High Places. Links to her other stories can be found at the end of “The Great Physician”) Our oldest son Ryland had his tonsils and adenoids removed because they were blocking his airway. About 12 days into his recovery he had… Read more

  • Trusting the Lord – for He is Good and Faithful

    Trusting the Lord – for He is Good and Faithful

    Story by Tina Kissane These last few months have taken a toll, I’m embarrassed to admit. Embarrassed because my perception is others will scoff “don’t sweat the small stuff”. Well, this small stuff pushed me to the very edge. Trying something new, I gave two specific troubles to the Lord, asking for the ability to… Read more

  • Jehovah Rapha “LORD Who Heals”

    Jehovah Rapha “LORD Who Heals”

    Story by: Melissa Moore Seven years ago, I remember this exact moment. I was folding and putting away tiny baby sleepers, outfits, and tiny socks…choking back tears. I can’t help but feel so overjoyed and extremely blessed! Not everyone knows our story. When I met my husband, he knew we could not have children together.… Read more

  • God-wink at the Nail Salon

    God-wink at the Nail Salon

    Story by Michele (with one L) Rose This afternoon I went to get a pedicure/manicure. I guess going to nail salon during the middle of a weekday is the best time because there was no waiting. In fact, there were only two patrons present. I was told to sit next to next to an elderly… Read more

  • On Behalf of a Grateful Nation and a Thankful Pastor

    On Behalf of a Grateful Nation and a Thankful Pastor

    Story by: Dr. Timothy R. Valentino: A grace-loving husband, father, pastor, seminary professor, conference speaker, swimmer, and incurable Philadelphia Phillies fan. Thank you Scotty Grathen for sharing this story. It’s always an honor to participate in a funeral for a veteran of the armed services. This morning I had the privilege of laying to rest… Read more

  • Tick, tick, tick, goes the heart valve.

    Tick, tick, tick, goes the heart valve.

    Story by Renee Johnson. “I give God ALL THE GLORY – LOOK what He has done!” “The King of the Universe has taken care of me and written on my heart with His Word and loving care.” I contracted bacterial endocarditis in May 2011. Endocarditis occurs when bacteria or other germs enter the bloodstream and… Read more

  • Tornado or Hurricane – which would you prefer?

    Tornado or Hurricane – which would you prefer?

    Story by Randy Grathen. Laurie and I have now experienced both. “Been there, done that, got the T-shirt” as the saying goes. If you want a potentially quick death, choose a tornado. A tornado takes minutes to do its dirty work and moves on. Our tornado, when we lived in Missouri, was a high F-4… Read more

  • “HEY!… are you winking at my wife?!?”

    “HEY!… are you winking at my wife?!?”

    “No, sorry, I’m having a facial spasm.” Story by Randy Grathen In February of 2022, I woke one morning, and the left side of my face was twitching. I don’t know what caused it, but I thought it would quit. Boy, was I wrong! My left eye was winking, the corner of my mouth was… Read more

  • God’s Promise – Rainbows in My Car

    God’s Promise – Rainbows in My Car

    Story by Laurie Grathen. I told the first installment of my story of having a rare form of breast cancer in a previous post you can find here. In that post, I mentioned that after I thought I’d finally gotten the all clear and required nothing but follow-up monitoring, I got a call one day… Read more