Sharing the extraordinary things God has done in our lives.

Everybody’s Got a Story

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By: Randy Grathen

Our High Places is about all of us – not just me. I shared my stories because God urged me for years to share them. Why? Because they are His stories. Who gets the glory for the miracles in my life? He does. I KNOW the family of believers who are part of Our High Places have their own stories to tell. There s not a Christian alive that doesn’t have at least one God-story in their life.

I am basically a shy introvert by nature – no, really! But God did not want me to share the miracles He performed in my life with just a small handful of friends. He wanted me to share all that He has done for Laurie and me, with you, because He deserves the glory and praise for what He did – not me.

So now I need your help.

As King Solomon so wisely put it, after experiencing the entirety of his known world, he found that there truly is “nothing new under the sun.” Someone right now is going through what you’ve already experienced. In telling your story you may be the one person to help them find a solution to their problem, or to at least encourage them to not give up.

If you’ve read our stories, you know Laurie and I have missed becoming a statistic numerous times. Now that we are retired; we don’t get out much anymore, so the opportunities to almost die, have a God moment, or write about things to ponder don’t happen as frequently as they used too.

I have been very fortunate that some of my friends have stepped up and shared their stories. Many of you know Pastor Jerry O’Dell and Michele, Renee Johnson, Melissa Moore and Dawn Dieckmann from Camdenton and Mark Schoenhoff from St. Louis. My friend Mark Berg and my brother Scotty; a DJ at a Christian radio station in Green Bay Wisconsin, and my sister Kristine from North Carolina have written stories. Here in Florida our friend Tina Kissane contributed, and Michele Rose has written several. Laurie has written five. And J.P. Lane a double amputee who was blown up by a 200 lb. IED. If you think you’re having a bad day, read his story! click here

I know most of you will never share your hardships outside of your small circle of friends or family. However, what does God tell us about prayer? “Whenever two or more of you are gathered in my name I will be there.” If you need prayer, there are just over 270 members in the Our High Places Facebook family with another 60 who get Our High Places posts by e-mail. And they all have friends… WE can bombard heaven with prayer on your behalf.

You don’t have to be a writer to share your story. As you have probably noticed by now, I’m not. I just tell God’s story in my own words. So can you. God will make it understandable to whoever needs the encouragement. Trust Him. If you contact me on Messenger or by e-mail and include your phone number and a good time to call, I will contact you and you can tell me your story. I will send a draft back to you for your review. It’s that simple.

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