Sharing the extraordinary things God has done in our lives.

The Dream

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Story by Michele Rose

Have you ever wanted to do something so badly but felt it was difficult to know where to start? If you’re nodding your head right now, then keep reading.

About 10 years ago I took time off to write my memoir. But before I finished, my first born died—unexpectedly. So, I switched gears. I started blogging about childhood memories I had of my precious son. I posted those stories on Facebook. But eventually, I ran out of stories about Andy. So, that’s when I began posting stories about my design work. I had plenty of stories to tell because I had been designing kitchens and bathrooms for well over 20 years. I started posting lengthy blogs on about my work until a couple of people voiced their not-so positive opinions. I shouldn’t be posting lengthy blogs on Facebook they wrote. My feelings were crushed, and I stopped posting all together.

Then one day, out of the blue, a customer phoned me. She invited me back to her lovely home to see her stunning remodeled kitchen that I had designed.“ She allowed me to take lots of pictures. That visit sparked me to use my camera again, and again, and again. I started visiting more homes as soon as renovations were completed. Eventually, I felt the urge to write stories about those pictures.

About that time a dream stirred in my heart. It was a dream to have a website. I knew this would be the ideal place to post “before” and “after” pictures, but then fear hit me. I’m just an everyday, ordinary person. Everyday people don’t have websites. Right? So, I placed my website dream on the back burner. But…this dream kept pressing me. It kept urging me to move forward but my fear kept me from pursuing my dream. I felt as though I was taking far more steps backwards than forward. So, I quit dreaming.

My wakeup call came when I had this particular dream. I’ve had dreams for as long as I can remember. But this specific dream was so vivid. I remember this particular dream, as if it had occurred just last week.

This dream came to me in an unearthly force, and to be honest, I can only attribute this bizarre dream experience as some kind of spiritual urging. Sometime during the night, in my dream, I was dying. I don’t know how I knew I was dying. Or what I was dying of. But trust me, I just knew. In my dream (or really, it was more of a nightmare) I lay on my deathbed and all around me were these “souls.” I don’t know what else to call them. I could tell they did not feel like real people. But here they were. They had physical forms, like actual human bodies. They had shoulder length hair, like my own. Anyway, they were standing in a semi-circle all around my bed. They had their arms crossed in front of their chests. I studied their shadowy faces. I felt deeply connected to them. They looked as if they were going to scold me for something or other. I felt as if any one of them were about to reprimand me. I had no idea what was going on. I couldn’t quit staring at them.

Then I looked at the soul standing closest to me. She said, “I’m the artist.” I blinked my eyes but didn’t dare say a single word. The next soul said, “I’m the decorator.” And the next one said, “I have good listening skills.” “I’m the one with an eye for detail.” “I’m the photographer.” “I’m a salesman.” “I’m the writer.” “I’m the kitchen designer.” “I’m the interior designer.” “I’m the storyteller.” On and on they went, until each had a chance to “introduce” herself. After they finished their introductions, it still didn’t make any sense to me. I didn’t understand any of it.

Then, in unison all the souls told me they were waiting for me to use those talents that I had all along. They explained that each of those souls/talents were inside me. That’s when it hit me. There I was… on my deathbed. It was too late to do anything with those talents. It was a morbid feeling. I was never going to get a second chance on my deathbed. That’s when my eyes shot wide open and I bolted straight up in bed, wide awake! I looked at the clock on my nightstand. It read 3:11 a.m. The dream scared the crap out of me. I didn’t want this to happen to me. I didn’t want the day to come when I’m on my deathbed and I look back with regrets. I didn’t want to regret that I didn’t at least try to fulfill my dream or use my God-given talents.

So, that’s when I decided I would do my best to use my writing skills and create a website and if it didn’t work, well then, at least I tried.

I posted my first blog on my website on January 14, 2020. It took a lot of hard work, but now I have subscribers from around the world. I believe God gives each and every one of us talents and dreams. He wants us to use them. For years, I allowed fear and lack of confidence to hold me back. Do you know what fear and lack of confidence are? They are dream killers. Having faith, and listening to the small inner voice helped me to get to where I am today. I believe God puts people in our path to help us succeed.

Never in a million years would I have thought people worldwide would read my blogs. I am truly thrilled, honored, and humbled to share that my website has been named to an online website list: Top 50 Interior Design Blogs. This worldwide website ranks my website number at 16! I have been included among so many tremendously talented designers I admire! It makes the honor even more special. It honestly feels like a dream to be named to the lists of top designers in the world.

I just want to say that maybe our dreams are teachers when we allow them to be. It’s never too late to try something new. Don’t worry. We’re all in the same boat anyway. If it has been on your mind to try a new project or start a new venture, I will you tell you this: If it pulls at your heart long enough, you owe it to yourself to keep trying. You never know what can happen. Never give up because the world really does need that special gift that only you have.

(Editor’s note: Laurie and I were lucky enough to have Michele as our interior designer when we remodeled our newly purchased “used” home in Florida. I can tell you she is not exaggerating when she says she’s one of the best. Our home is proof of that. Thank you Michele.)

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