Sharing the extraordinary things God has done in our lives.

We The People Have Spoken!

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Story by Randy Grathen.

I was thinking about what an amazing journey my life has been. I have an awesome marriage to the love of my life for almost 50 years. My life has been blessed beyond anything I could have ever imagined or dreamed of. I have owned my own business and worked for others of my choosing. I have driven across this country from coast to coast and never had to answer to anyone as to where I was going or why. This is America.

But then I started thinking about how the lives of my family, friends, and this country has changed over the past 70+ years. This is not the amazing, vibrant, wholesome country it once was. The one I served for twenty-three years in the Air Force. The one I swore to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic. And I asked myself – “what happened?!?”


Our country has been sold out to foreigners. Our government is trying to insert International law into our Constitution. Do we really want dozens of other countries from the United Nations sticking their nose into our lives and freedoms? Our laws were founded on the God-given right of the individual to do and go as far as our ability and ambition will carry us. It is not a “privilege” to be handed out by men.

Expecting the government to care about our best interest is ridiculous and naïve. Most Washington politicians are lawyers. They are trained not to argue to find the truth, but to persuasively argue their point-of-view until you willingly disregard the evidence before you. Stop listening to these liars. Look around you. If it doesn’t make sense, then question everything about it. The Constitution wisely put the power to govern our affairs at the state level and into individuals’ hands, because the government worked for us. But we gave up control for the sake of convenience so we could play.


The most important thing you can do for yourself, and the future of this country, is to raise up children who understand the history of what made this country great. Do not abdicate your responsibility to teach them to the schools. They have dozens of pronouns to describe just two genders. They didn’t learn that at home. Your kids are racist for no other reason that they’re white. They didn’t learn that at home either. Kids today think that you and I and the government owe them a living. Wrong! We owe them a chance – an opportunity. An equal opportunity to make the most of themselves after having learned a marketable skill. A degree in Gender Studies won’t put food on the table. We don’t need a government that promises to put people to work. We need a government that clears the way so we can create jobs put each other to work. Jobs come from entrepreneurs willing to take a risk. – not government. Every penny our government spends first came out of our pockets and they’ve never spent even a penny wisely. They squander or pocket it.

I have watched marriage, family, and patriotism systematically come under attack. Marriage is an antiquated notion. Family is any two people who live together, and being a Patriot, a conservative, or a Christian gets you labeled as a potential threat to the country. We are labeled bigots, “intolerant” and hate mongers if we voice an opinion contrary to what the media claims to be the majority opinion. The threat to this country is from within and it’s from the Washington elitists.

Now is the time for you and me to get involved. We must decide which country we want to live in. One where you tell the government what to do, or one where they tell you what to do. I assure you, you don’t want the latter.

Freedom is not free. It was purchased by the men and women who were willing to step up and step out. This country and our Constitution was founded on Godly principles and built on a biblical foundation. Read the Constitution. I’m sure for most of you it will be the first time because they don’t teach it in our schools. I wonder why???

The Constitution of the United Statesis the supreme law of the United States of America. It superseded the Articles of Confederation, the nation’s first constitution, in 1789. Originally comprising seven articles, it delineates the national frame and constraints of government.

The Amendments to the ConstitutionWhy were the Constitutional Amendments so important? Even before the US Constitution was created, its framers understood that it would have to be amended to confront future challenges and adapt and grow alongside the new nation.

I pray that all of you have an even better, richer, more rewarding, blessed life than I have had. But you can only have it if you are willing to work for it. Get involved. It’s time for Americans to remember those who sacrificed their fortunes and very lives, then and now to preserve our freedom. We owe them an incalculable debt.

God’s patience is not infinite. He admonished us…

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2nd Chronicles 7:14.

This is a spiritual battle fought in the earthly realm. Armor up.

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3 responses to “We The People Have Spoken!”

  1. Chad Rogers Avatar
    Chad Rogers


  2. Craig Mommaerts Avatar
    Craig Mommaerts

    Amen brother.

  3. Benjamin M. Martinez Avatar
    Benjamin M. Martinez

    Well thought out n’brilliantly written Randy Grathen, ‘precisely my sentiments: having been bestowed upon Us another absolute opportunity (only one more) to get it right with GOD; between Us and our neighbors, friends, coworkers and family, most certainly. Thank You for sharing your mind and your faith in CHRIST with Us my beloved Brother! May the Peace and the fellowship of our HOLY LORD JESUS CHRIST be with You and Laurie and with your beautiful Family. Good Day!


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