Sharing the extraordinary things God has done in our lives.

When I Die.

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Story by Scotty Gray.

I was just thinking about when I die. I’d like to do my own eulogy – in a video.  I think it might freak people out to see a dead person speaking to them, but this would give me the greatest opportunity to share God’s truth at a time when I would, hopefully, have their undivided attention. I don’t think anybody would be watching snapchat videos on their phone or texting their friend about getting together for lunch tomorrow.

I would probably blur my image, so they wouldn’t get hung up on how I used to look – I mean, I will be in my glorified body by then, and none of us really know what that will look like.  I might address that for a moment, reminding them how our bodies are simply vehicles, where our soul resides so it can interact.  I love the phrase: “we are not a body with a soul – we are a soul with a body.”  I’ll tell them about the day I came across one of my friend’s old cars in a junk yard.  I did pause for a moment, to look over the old shell of what had once been his pride and joy.  But what I didn’t do was cry over it.  You see, I knew it was just a vehicle that allowed him to travel from experience to experience, destination to destination… and when it finally couldn’t be maintained or repaired any longer, it was junked, discarded.

I would remind everyone that our life on this earth is a journey – a place for us to learn about and to develop a relationship with our creator before we finally meet Him. A place where we can help each other along the journey and point the way home.

I’ll also remind everyone that, just like my friend’s car, there is an owner’s manual. This is not just a user’s guide, giving us basic instructions, but a complete in-depth instruction manual about how to best maintain the vehicle until it finally bites the dust. When it ends up in the auto graveyard after our soul has crossed the finish line.

Finally, I’ll tell them, regardless of how beautiful or beat up their current vehicle is, they are given a brand new one that will last forever.  A vehicle they’ll never grow tired of and will never break down, rust, or wear out.

I will boldly and clearly elucidate that each one of us has been offered the keys to, not only a perfect vehicle but, to a perfect and eternal garage to park it in.  I’ll make it clear that there’s nothing they can do to earn these keys – they’re a perfect gift that my best efforts could only sully.  The one thing they could do is just get over themselves and accept the fact that they’re neither too good or too bad to receive the gift.  It’s offered to all – all you have to do is reach out and take it, like I did so long ago.  So, I look forward to seeing you sometime after I get there, whether it’s after my body shuts down and beyond repair, or I’m taken up in the Rapture.  Either one’s good with me.

I’m scotty…and that’s something I was just thinking, on Q-90 fm.

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3 responses to “When I Die.”

  1. Craig allen Mommaerts Avatar
    Craig allen Mommaerts

    TY for sharing.

  2. Chad Rogers Avatar
    Chad Rogers

    Great read!! Hope you guys are safe!!

  3. Kristine Barnes Avatar
    Kristine Barnes

    Hey Scotty – love the pic with your new scotty-gray hair. And this was a fun read – I love your analogy.
    I have a friend from church who recorded his “eulogy” or final message to friends. It was neat to hear him speak at his “Celebration of Life” service, especially since he’d been a quadraplegic since an accident at the beach several years ago. As he was body-boarding with his grandson, he was hit by a wave that slammed his head into the sand and broke the connection to the rest of his body. He’d been a very active guy before that, which made the new reality extra hard. He’s surfing with Jesus now. 😊
    Anyway, I am looking forward to being with my Jesus, when He returns, or calls me Home, whichever comes first. I‘m saving my best journey for last! Love ya!

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